Sports — 07 February 2014
MONTREAL — With a playoff berth on the line, Stefanie Lawton of Saskatechwan fended off Kesa Van Osch of British Columbia 8-4. Lawton will join Chelsea Carey of Manitoba and Val Sweeting of Alberta, who each have 8 wins, and Rachel Homan of Team Canada, who remains undefeated at 10-0.
Homan narrowly avoided defeat at the hands of Lawton in the afternoon draw 7-6. Narrowly missing out on playoff spots are Van Osch (6-5) and Andrea Crawford of New Brunswick (6-4).
Friday’s final round-robin draw will serve to determine playoff seedings as Carey will face off against Prince Edward Island’s Kim Dolan and Lawton will take on Sarah Koltun of the Yukon-Northwest Territories.
Khoa Tran
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- Kesa Van Osch of British Columbia is guaranteed a playoff spot at 8-2 through 16 draws
- Chelsea Carey on Manitoba is guaranteed a playoff spot at 8-2 through 16 draws
- Allison Flaxey of Team Ontario